
Free Account, Valle de Benasque and next: Berlin!!!

A propos de moi

I´m actually planning to move to Berlin from Spain.
Any usefull information ore advise are wellcome.
Thank´s for your attention.

Riding Amsterdam
Riding Amsterdam

A look behind
A look behind

Commentaire 33

  • Benjamin Düchting 20/06/2009 19:55

    Hey, if you have any questions about berlin, just ask! ;)
  • Petra F 19/06/2009 8:50

    Gracias. Mi Espanol no es bien- pero me gustaria mejorarlo :-) Hm, Mannheim- no es una ciudad "bonita" como por ejemplo Heidelberg pero hay muchas esquinas interessantes y es muy intercultural. Y quizas te gusta tambien la "Pfalz", una region cerca que es muy agradable a andar y pasar un tiempo agradable. Ademas, cultivan vino rico alli :-)
  • Emmmi 18/06/2009 18:55

    I can help you if you want :D!
    So, what do you want to know?
  • Dorothee Rund 16/06/2009 17:49

    De acuerdo, pero por qué solamente preguntas chicas? ;-) When you have special questions feel free to ask me, I hope I can help you. And yes, I had Spanish for three years in Highschool, well, some years ago...
  • Die Ana 08/06/2009 0:31

    Congratulations, there's no better city to live than Berlin ;)
    Why do move here and what do you want to know?
    Do know yet in which quarter you will live?
    cheerz........ diAna
  • Nadine Peterschröder 05/06/2009 19:24

    Hey Dacleave,
    I think you must visit the City "Hamburg".
    It´s one of my favourits. It´s charming with an special charakter.
  • Löer-Photography 05/06/2009 11:29

    Hi ,...
    What do you mean if you write " i need all the information " ... ?
    So I think you have write on enough people.
    Sorry, my english is very bad.

    oOo...nice greats ... SannyOnTour...oOo
  • Daniela Scharnowski 05/06/2009 11:12

    Hi dacleave,
    nice to see ppl like you moving to germany - sure you can ask me whatever you want to know about berlin sending me a private message or via mail.

    First advice - bring all your warm clothes =)
    Cheers Daniela

  • appassionata 05/06/2009 9:26

    sounds great...can you tell me more?
  • Nadine Peterschröder 04/06/2009 23:15

    Hi, Dacleave85,
    thanks for your comment.
    The title likes "Something else do to?..."

    Ciao Nadine

  • 25gHE 23/05/2009 14:20

    Hello Dacleave85.
    Thank you very much for your comments.
    Greats from Germany.
  • tinabambina 19/05/2009 11:55

    hey!! thank you for your comment :P have a nice day.tina
  • Jani-P 13/05/2009 21:47


    i have send you an e-mail as an anwer of your mail :)

  • Erich Gillard 06/03/2009 22:31

    Gracias gracias!
    Grüsse erich
  • Rossi S.H 17/02/2009 20:49

    gracias maor por tu coimentario ya veo que hay gente muy simpatica espeero que seamos vecinos un beso desde venezuela
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