Herr Rossi

Free Account, Heikendorf

A propos de moi

- unvollständig -

bin ganz frisch hier, kommt spaeter. Bis dahin:

"Looking for a new perspective? "Think outside the box." The box causes you to repeatedly search the same ground and find the same results. The box is usually created by unacknowledged rules of conduct. To think outside the box, you first need to define the box. Solution? List all of your assumptions. While some are created personally, many are inherited culturally. (We all live in many cultures simultaneously - geographic, professional, familial, etc.) Often it's what seems most obvious that limits you the most. Once these invisible guidelines become visible, you'll find yourself empowered with new choices. The act of making things visible is a catalyst for change."
Zitat John Paul Caponigro

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