P. Vincelli

Free Account, Hannover

A propos de moi

- Canon 30D
- Canon 350D
- too many lenses

Commentaire 2

  • Ralf Müller - Fotografie und mehr ... 23/05/2006 21:40

    Hallo Paolo,

    wenn Du bei meinem Seminar teilnehmen magst kannst Du gerne folgende Objektive ausprobieren:

    Sigma 12-24 mmm
    Tamron 28-300
    Canon 24-105 L IS
    Canon 28-135 IS
    Canon 70-200 L IS


  • Detlef Hergert 23/09/2005 13:08

    Hello Paolo, nice to meet You by the Stammtisch in Hannover.
    And what is with Your fotos ? In this community we show the fotos to our buddies. ;-)
    Thats the reason why ... the way is the Ziel - in the Photography too ...
    Wish You a nice time, Detlef
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