Peter Amanzo

Premium (Pro), Amsterdam

A propos de moi

... we don‘t see things as they are
we see them as we are ...

Commentaire 7

  • Reimar Paschke 10/01/2019 23:39

    Sehr schöne Fotos dabei Danke
  • StefanAktmodell 26/10/2018 6:08

    Ganz tolle Bilder, vielen Dank fürs einstellen.
  • A..R 22/06/2010 9:26

    Top Aufnahmen auf deinen Seiten, gefallen mir.
    Gruß A.R
  • † Klaus Baum 31/12/2006 0:24

    have you ever been in one of the bookshops of patrick hempelmann in toronto. he is a friend of mine.

  • Mr. D 02/02/2006 16:29

    Hello from Germany,

    I'm really amazed about your pictures. A lot of them, especially the pictures from the Canadian countryside are really noteworthy!

    Best Regards

  • Fotofan 27/11/2005 17:05

    Welcom in the World of Pictures.
    Have a nice Time with us.
  • Andreas Divjak 14/11/2005 10:54

    great pics you have taken.
    and a great saying in your profile.

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