Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I'm ikkunaprinsessa88. I'm italian and -for sure-, I'm not a photographer. I have only a simple and cheap nikon camera, and I just like taking pictures. I especially like sunsets, views from upper places, cats, and nature in general.
I'm ikkunaprinsessa88. I'm italian and -for sure-, I'm not a photographer. I have only a simple and cheap nikon camera, and I just like taking pictures. I especially like sunsets, views from upper places, cats, and nature in general.
Moreno..Brandi 27/10/2010 22:40
Grazie mille.Il posto è in Croazia ed è l'isola di KRK.
Ciao Moreno
Michele Pierro 27/10/2010 20:55