cornagoae 15/02/2020 8:42
et voilà un joli cliché bisescébo 15/02/2020 8:42
grande!claudine capello 15/02/2020 8:26
il a l air étonné de ta photo ....compliments une photo qui raconte une histoire ..... clmickey40 15/02/2020 8:09
belle composition !!!amitiés
Dragomir Vukovic 15/02/2020 6:36
strongSahoine 15/02/2020 4:25
Désabusé?Adele D. Oliver 15/02/2020 2:56
ohhh ... serious and not too happy about being a modelfor you :-))) fine street photography and excellet in black
and white !!!
warm regards,