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~ 1988 - Somewhere in Guatemala (T.M.F. 10/10) ~

~ 1988 - Somewhere in Guatemala (T.M.F. 10/10) ~

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~ 1988 - Somewhere in Guatemala (T.M.F. 10/10) ~

This series of ten photographs, of which this is the last one,
is dedicated to my father Wilhelm K.,
who brought me close
to this beautiful art called photography!

Thank you all so very much for sharing you kind thoughts on all these photos with me.
All photographs are taken by him on our trip through
Mexico and Baja California in the late eighties.
Thanks you all so very much for sharing you
kind thoughts on all these photos with me.

A short story behind this photo

This photo was taken somewhere in Guatemala in the late 1980ies. It shows my Father and me together with a young Guatemalan
woman with her children. We met her one afternoon as she was begging for some food for the little ones.

We started talking and she told us her story: She was married to an older man who left her because of another,
a wealthy woman. As her parents had not agreed with her marriage in the irst place, they would not welcome her back home. So she was on her own - with her two young boys.

She had an uncle who told her that he would give her a place to stay and a job to earn some money until she finds her way. Her uncle was living in Chihuahua - a good 2000 kilometers northwards! She had nothing. No clothes, no shelter, no money. So we took her and her children with us on our trip through Mexico - our ways separated three days and about 700 km closer to her destination.

After 3 weeks she sent us a letter telling us, that she had successfully reached her uncle and that she and her childern were in good health.


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