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A Girl is A Lot More Happy With her Ice Cream

A Girl is A Lot More Happy With her Ice Cream

11 295 10

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

A Girl is A Lot More Happy With her Ice Cream

There are times you can't help but be moved by the topics in the News. Female mutilation instigated by old religious practices around the world. In many cases one can focus in Africa. In new cases one can focus in the immigrants that are now new citizens, or pending citizens.

Yet these people want a new world and life, they don't want to give up the old and inflict trauma on their daughters. Often it has been reported in the news that they back their belief's by saying "their daughters will be happier when they get married. and having apart of their body removed”. Many women have declared it painful and brutal as well. Yet very little has been done to prevent this practice.

A law is slowly being sculptured to make teachers report children’s parents to some unknown authority The authority would in some form punish parents. It's a good idea but is it enough.

Why not make new school laws to make it mandatory to have daughters examined in order to advance in whatever age required before allowing to enter school for the purpose of doing the same to the male parents that insist to harming there daughters. and cause horrible unitary well as other psychological complexities. or at least deport the parents and adopt the children in the host country.

It just seems so sad that the women's global organizations cannot come up with more immediate ways to prevent old religious practices that care little about the actual person.

Maybe this is because that in the western world, the medical profession was notorious for pushing hysterectomies on women even if they needed it or not. Often it ws the will of the husband, a friend of the guy doctor.

Today women doctors have found alternative ways to short sided problems from continuing on a bleak path. The first step as getting more female doctors for women.

Maybe that's why I see a girl focused on getting a spoonful of icrem on a plastic so so important.

It is how the girl nurtures her efforts for solving the problem instead of breaking the spoon and crying,be cause the male counter part would scale her and possibly punish her by being angry at her and throwing away her cup of ice cream.

She know's in time the problem will be solved and she’'ll be grateful for her efforts and not those of some else residing how to reach an incorrect solution by misunderstanding her goal.

Can’t religious, and political parties take a step bacd and just listen to the concerns of the actual woman who are facing the scroutinies of elders that are stuck in their own belief systems that want to enforce and change the lives of the innoscent.

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