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A Mind is A Terrible Thing To Waist

A Mind is A Terrible Thing To Waist

12 356 17

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

A Mind is A Terrible Thing To Waist

He staggers down the wet street, He has no umbrella, but clings to a plastic bag filled with glue. Inhaling the fumes, is his only goal. While others sit at a desk for the sake of an education and a grade to learning, he has attained his glue, and is at the top of his world.

It is a school day, and this child no longer attends, He is just one of the many that live in the streets of Kathmandu and do what ever he can for glue which to him is better than food. There are NGO's trying to help , but are failing drastically.

In time he won't exist an another will take his place and do the things he once did for the price of glue ,just to roll his eyes back into his head to feel the pain go away.

When it is over one will say, "A mind is a terrible thing to waist".

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Dossier Nepal
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APN Olympus EM 1
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