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A wonderful person ...

A wonderful person ...

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Dirk Hofmann

Premium (World), Eitorf

A wonderful person ...

to meet is Else.

It was on Friday, my last day on the NORDIC LIGHT event at Kristiansund, when i met her.

I just had closed the internet café and was heading towards the "Nude workshop" to see at least the last hour of it, when I saw her sitting and smoking in a café on my way.

A few days before Arno Rafael Minkkinen , one of the exhibiting artists at the festival, caught me with an inpiring speech regarding a photographer's "evolution" and he brought it down to one sentence which I can't forget since then ... (you will learn about this sentence - this is for sure, but give me some time to work on the whole story).

This sentence was in my mind all the time since he passed it to me and it rang a alarm bell in my head when I saw her ...

Her relaxed way to smoke caught my attention and when I stepped forward I found out that she obviously smoked a lot. It were not only the yellow spots on her fingers which told me, but also a lot of tiny holes in her shirt, where the blaze of her cigarettes was fallen on to several times before.

I asked her for some photos and although she asked "Why would you need photos of me?" she allowed me to do them ...

When I sat down to have a smoke I found out, that her German was pretty good and we had a long talk about Kristiansund, Germany, Switzerland (where she worked as a young girl), World War II and our relationship to it ... Serious and funny things made time fly by.

She gave me her address and I promissed to send her prints of the photos. I will also pass along a letter and I'm pretty sure that we will continue our discussion from then this way ...

Well spent moments, that day ... another beautiful person I was allowed to meet ...

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