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A world full of flowers for future generations ...

A world full of flowers for future generations ...

17 972 25

A world full of flowers for future generations ...

Spero un giorno di incontrare Dio, perché voglio ringraziarlo per i fiori....
hope one day to meet God, because I want to thank him for the flowers ....
J'espère un jour rencontrer Dieu, car je veux le remercier pour les fleurs....
(Robert Brault)
Castelluccio di Norcia - Italy

Colors and scents...
dossier Colors and scents...

Commentaire 25


Dossier Colors and scents...
Vu de 17 972


APN Canon EOS 6D
Objectif EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Ouverture 11
Temps de pose 1/200
Focale 28.0 mm
ISO 100

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