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Adult Periodic Cicada emergence from pupal case

Adult Periodic Cicada emergence from pupal case

2 650 4

John Ghent

Free Account, Asheville, NC

Adult Periodic Cicada emergence from pupal case

Cicada (aka 17 year locust) emerging from pupal case

Commentaire 4

  • s. sabine krause 10/05/2012 15:30

    great shot indeed! love the innocent, "eager-for-life" look in his red eyes: 17 years in the darkness of the ground were more than enough. finally some light!!! ; ))) i know i'm anthropomorphizing here but i just couldn't resist! enjoyed reading your elaboration on how this shot was taken, too – a collective emergence, or in other words: ask not what your cicada can do for you but what you can do for your cicada… ; ))) greetings, sabine. p.s.: i once witnessed a similar phenomenon. amazing how the gulls would move into the suburbs to stuff themselves on the newly emerged!
  • John Ghent 16/12/2011 14:02

    Photo was taken during the mass emergence of the 17 Locust (periodic cicada). There were a lot of emergence going on, just had to find the one at the right height of the tripod and light.
  • Bethedream 16/12/2011 12:36

    great shot! how did you time to be there right in this moment? incredible....
  • Brian Cathie 09/12/2011 22:47

    Excellent image
    Great Macro work



Vu de 2 650


Objectif 105.0 mm f/2.8
Ouverture 4.5
Temps de pose 1/250
Focale 105.0 mm
ISO 400