African shores - The master in his realm
Just as the sun flooded this dark and narrow room with golden light, the tailor filled the atmosphere with exuberance, warmth and joy... taking his measures, suggesting designs, asking about buttons, sleeves and collars, giving instructions, jotting down notes he'd go over several times before giving a satisfied nod.
All you had to bring was material - and time.
How long will he compete with Asian sweatshops ?
This is the beginning of a series from Kenya and Tanzania... with an uncertain timeline !
T. Schiffers 31/01/2019 22:41
sehr starker top quali abgelichtet...tinoJ Oscar Sierra Echo 28/12/2018 0:18
Timing is everything as demonstrated in this Image. Looks like he was bargaining but your about tell us the story. Your pictures always have a kind of hinted Soul and that's the reason why I love them without exception, they are "alive".Best wishes for the New Year. 22/12/2018 0:10
Ein beeindruckendes Bild, mit viel Seele