Alone in the crowd
Children waiting in the crowd after school in an african market. There was a lot of commotion around but she just stood there watching it all.
Alone in the crowd
Children waiting in the crowd after school in an african market. There was a lot of commotion around but she just stood there watching it all.
Martin Allaire 02/04/2007 19:40
Don't be sad about this kid's barefootness. All children walk barefoot in this part of the country. Even the white rich kids.Kombizz Kashani 02/04/2007 10:23
very interesting as well sad imageinteresting because your camera caught her in the crowd with that facial expression
and sad because I noticed that she doesn't have a pair of shoe !!
Michel Lamarche 01/04/2007 3:11
Well seen Martin,Beautiful capture,
Sandy Hermann 31/03/2007 19:02
I like this one also. You captured a moment very well .sandy
Colin Karpeta 31/03/2007 18:56
another great capture :-)CsomorLászló 31/03/2007 17:55
*****Dato Kakalashvili 31/03/2007 17:01
i like it.great.