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Amour courtois - Courtly love

Amour courtois - Courtly love

2 690 17

Elvina Benoist-Audiau

Premium (World), NANTES

Amour courtois - Courtly love

The knight : "My Queen, my Lady, my dearest Love
I cannot imagine a lady more lovely than you.
You please my eyes, my head, and my heart,
More than words can truly express,
And I shall love no other for all my days."

The lady : I am Guinevere,I am the woman you worship without ever truly knowing, the victim of your misguided obsession. I am the courtly maiden forced upon your pedestal, angry that you idolize me as you do, and hating myself for it".
musique : Doulce dame Jolie

Photo : château de Clisson - 44 -

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