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At an Air Show...

...the smell of avgas exhaust
...the (anticipated) roar of the radials
(especially on that B-25 WW2 bomber!)
...the joy of open cockpit flying

©2016 Steve Ember

Commentaire 2

  • sparkling light 18/04/2016 12:00

    B 25 with two big Wright Cyclones of 2600 cu inch each!
    I remember one sunny afternoon lying in the sand dunes of the island of Juist, not far from the dutch border, gazing at the sky, when a B25 Mitchell appeared very low with certainly less than 500 ft above ground level along the shoreline. What a sight and what a wonderful sound! It was the only still airworthy B 25 in the Netherlands. Unfortunately I had no camera at that moment. A real pity.
  • Susanne Kämmner 12/03/2016 11:14

    Your photo appeals to me for several reasons. The main reason is to be found in the image format (arrangement in your image) and how you have cut the image. Impressive! Another reason is the motif itself: two crossing airplanes and a biker talking to the pilot. This scene radiates something "surreal". And then I enjoy this sunny atmosphere your photo transmits. Though it had been shot on an air show the scene nevertheless is amazing. I enjoy this work of yours very much. Compliments, Steve.