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Be Nice or Go Away - An Annapolis Moment

Be Nice or Go Away - An Annapolis Moment

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Be Nice or Go Away - An Annapolis Moment

Just a quirky little moment on a balmy August evening a few summers ago in Annapolis...

No, that's not the song Caroline and John (a.k.a. The Zippity-Doo-Dads) were singing, although it would
certainly make for a catchy song title. But the sign in the window of the Capistrano Barber Shop (*)...just kinda fit.

I would later take some closer shots of the two street musicians, but I'd stopped in a men's clothier's, as the owner standing outside had expressed an interest in photography and my film shooting, and I rather like this view through
his door across the cobblestones of Maryland Avenue in the Historic District of Maryland's capital.

From a Fujichrome transparency.

©2019 Steve Ember

Annapolis - No. 7 - Capistrano Barbershop
Annapolis - No. 7 - Capistrano Barbershop
Steve Ember

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