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Biggy the Rat not Kong the Gorilla

Biggy the Rat not Kong the Gorilla

7 956 5

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Biggy the Rat not Kong the Gorilla

New Yorkers are oblivious to looking up. At most they only see straight a head. I was thinking of King Kong, but that would be a false reality. People in Hollywood make too much up. I mean why would a giant gorilla want a tiny screaming blond named Faye Ray that fits on his pinky finger and not in, Why would Kong be foolish enough to climb the Empire State Building only to get shot by a squadron of planes with machine guns and fall to his death. Well it gets tricky when the book was a best seller about racism against Black men.

Now if Hollywood really wanted to make a dollar or Euro, all they had to do was say Kong was really Biggy the Rat , and symbolically portray him as a small business realtor heading up the most powerful agency in New York City as a republican as a member that was ready to use his member to pounce on any unsuspecting person the moment they signed their lease agreement.

In New York City Rats are a problem. Just like in small villages in the third world, New Yorkers get use to rats, and forget that they live rent free in their apartments, and walls. Sadly New Yorkers forget to cover up their foods in the icebox, oven, and worse, eat at restaurants. If you think I'm joking. Well you are right. One can find humor in the worst situations that should never be. For starters pick up a jar of peanut butter in the store and read what the FDA has to say about product and Rrat bits which can be jared for your consumption should you not identify the bits.

Biggy the Rat is simply a real big problem. Today most people just don't care.
Forget King Kong that was only a fake movie made on talking points and not fact.
Always remember that the real problem are the investors heading up the businesses we rely on to see another day.

Well that's my opinion folks.

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