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Commentaire 5

  • s. sabine krause 18/10/2010 17:03

    : ))))) "facts and truth really don't have much to do with each other" (william faulkner). i think this quote has nothing to do whatsoever with neither title nor picture, but i like it, and put it here on a whim ; )). – – you know, you really do get me with synesthesia: i've been seeing/associating colors with letters, numbers, days of the week etc. all my life!! greetings, sabine.
  • Andrew J.W. 18/10/2010 15:54

    Dear Sabine,
    I know the title might sound enigmatic...But there's a very easy explanation (and by saying that I'm going to spoil most of the titles of other pics...:-) ): in many cases I take a picture and I associate the atmosphere and feelings/memories connected to it with a particular song I like. I love music and every picture has a specif tune synesthetically linked to it. In some cases I explicitly report the song title (sometimes also with a youtube link to the song) and sometimes I just play with the words in the song title. It's a bit of a challenge to spot the original song name! :-) In this case the title refers to Blackberry winter by Keith Jerrett
    But again...it's nice to read different interpretations and I love yours more than the original explanation :-)
  • s. sabine krause 17/10/2010 16:17

    they changed its name???? how obnoxious! will always remain the sears tower to me! well, i guess it's quite common these days to rip scenic places of their names ; )): we did have a "volksparkstadion" once, if i remember correctly. that was before it became the "aol arena", and then the "hsh nordbank arena", which it still is – or is it ; ))? well, anyhow: a beautiful view of the building formerly known as the sears tower ; ))! a great title, too – enigmatic at first sight, but then again not enigmatic at all, but quite plausible, because the buildings do in fact ooze this very businesslike, sleek, technological blackberry-age air. and i bet there's thousands of blackberries at work behind their facades, too! lg, sabine.
  • Andrew J.W. 11/10/2010 22:35

    Yep...it's the Willis tower now but nobody would call it like that!
  • Andrea Sagawe 10/10/2010 13:11

    Is this the former Sears Tower? I always forget it's current name. :-|
