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António Ramos

Free Account, Maia

Bridge of the Barge

Bridge of the Barge is a Portuguesetown in Viana's District of the Castle,Northern region and sub-region of the -Minho, with nearly 2 300 inhabitants.
The fact is that it hackles of the districtof the same name with 184,76 km ² ofarea and 12 061 inhabitants (2011),subdivided in 17 customs. The district islimited the north by the district ofArches of Valdevez, to you read forSpain, to south on the Ground of Bouroand Green Town and to west for Bridgeof File.
Owe his toponym to the "barge" thatwas doing the connection between twoedges of the Rio It files, very oftenpilgrims on the way of Santiago deCompostela, being the "bridge" built inthe middle of the séc. XIV that is goingto give him the name of S. John dePonte of the Barge (1450).
The highest point of the district issituated in full Yellow Mountain range,in the top of the Louriça, with 1 359meters of altitude, in the customs of theLindoso.
Of this land there is originating theSaint's mother António de Lisboa,Teresa Taveira, born at the House of thePalace, customs When of They WereWorked; as well as the navigator Fernãode Magalhães, of the noble family of thePalace Vedro (customs of Magalhães).
The district received foral of D. Teresa in1125.
In 1917, they happened in the siege ofthe Clayish soil, the famous Apparitionsof Our Lady of the Peace. Nowadaysimportant pilgrimages place.

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Vu de 16 163


Objectif ---
Ouverture 6.3
Temps de pose 1/160
Focale 24.0 mm
ISO 400

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