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Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City


Well here we are in Sevilla with all the holy stuff happening. Families come out for the big week. Show and tell, for all to measure up to.

Now I know that when you think of Sevilla, a city that is in it's own right a foundation of the passion play. With all that going on. One kid has to go to the bathroom and there isn't one in sight. So daddy gets the job with his screaming off spring.

With one hand he scoops him , pulls down his pants and Bang, the order of caca just bout knocks dad over as he tries to eliminate his son's healthy dump.

In the end the job did get done, dad did perform, but I'm sure next year, if his son can't hold it. No one is going to Holy week until.

So I just wonder. When Jesus was passing by with the cross. I just wonder if their was some dad doing the exact same task for his some. You know we do say history repeats itself.

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