Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Cape Horn Passage (4)

Cape Horn - and a close look at the lighthouse, weather station, chapel and living quarters at this end of the earth place ...zoomed in from a great distance, and I was out in the strong wind (up to 57 miles per hour) and rocking ship - March 30/2017

Cape Horn is located on Isla Hornos in the Hermite Islands group, at the southern end of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. It marks the north edge of the Drake Passage, the strait between South America and Antarctica. It is located in Cabo de Hornos National Park. The cape lies within Chilean territorial waters, and the Chilean Navy maintains a station on Hoorn Island, consisting of a residence, utility building, chapel, and lighthouse. A short distance from the main station is a memorial, including a large sculpture made by Chilean sculptor José Balcells featuring the silhouette of an albatross, in remembrance of the sailors who died while attempting to "round the Horn".

Commentaire 30


Dossier Chile,, Costa Rica
Vu de 39 832


APN Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objectif Unknown 4-215mm
Ouverture 6.5
Temps de pose 1/160
Focale 175.5 mm
ISO 400

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