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Censored for your protection.

Censored for your protection.

4 298 7

Vitaly Altoiz

Free Account, San Antonio, TX

Censored for your protection.

I did it because I care...

See uncensored version at:

Commentaire 7

  • Robert L. Roux 23/09/2008 8:54

    had this photo been
    uncensored and in the nude section
    there's a good chance i'd've
    never seen it ...
    it makes
    some kind of a statement
    i think
    the young woman
    looks great! with blinders on -
    all three of them ;-))
  • Laki K. 21/09/2008 15:22

    vitali, this might be the or one of the possible answers: [fc-info:Why do some of the accounts cost money] other sites might have more advertisments (which i find personally annoying), as member i can even turn off all adverts, a feature which i appreciate a lot.


    p.s. another reason could be that its a german photosite and laws about showing nudity might be here a bit more restrictive.
  • Vitaly Altoiz 21/09/2008 14:08

    Answer to Laki.K
    Touché, Laki
    However, since I'm a Free Guest Member I'm not allowed neither to view nor post on Nude Channels...Therefore there exists this form of economy based censorship that doesn't seem to be enforced on many similar websites elsewhere.
  • Laki K. 21/09/2008 9:45

    vitaly, i guess as long as you would a nude photo in the nude channel there would be no problem.

    so i dont see the point of your statement "Thing is that moderators of this site won't let me post any photos with nudity in it", because that's simply wrong.

  • Vitaly Altoiz 21/09/2008 7:50

    Thing is that moderators of this site won't let me post any photos with nudity in it...Trust me , I would rather post the uncensored version...
  • Tamara Trejo 21/09/2008 7:17

    The uncensored version is so much better. This version looks like there is something wrong with nudity. TT
  • Robert L. Roux 21/09/2008 5:30

    a photographer with a big heart
    and very likely
    a pretty good
    sense of humour ... ;-))
    greetings from the north country

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