17 192 13

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Corner Philosophy

I remember when I was a kid, two you to do anything but read my homework over again in the summer. A time before summer school. We'd sit on the corner and count how many Ford and Chevrolets and Cadillacs wold pass by before lunch time. We'd talk any the New York Yankees, the White Sox, and who where the best home run hitters. Just for a moment these two old men brought back a time past for me. They are counting the different people they know about from the neighborhood and talking about them. Keeping up with the local gossip. a big woman wold pass and their heads turned in silence. At some point the silence broke, and even for me I'd pulled up to them and sat and enjoyed the moment until the dust in the air filled my lungs forcing me to move on. As I walked away, I felt my childhood, with old friends pass vanish beneath head stones from life. rive on drive I said, and off into the west we headed over wash board roads to count more meaning to life.

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APN Olympus m1
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