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This photo is the first one I publish from our very last vacation in the US, last Spring, a breathtaking week in the Death Valley.

I shot this image outside of the Death Valley, near the Nipton Trading Post, within the Mojave National Preserve, during the very first day of our trip, few hours after leaving Las Vegas.

I chose to begin from this very image because it represents, in a way, the way I feel right now. As you might already know, my wife and I have recently moved from the US back to Italy, thus we feel as if, after a very long drive, we had reached a rail road crossing, we drove through it and we have just begun driving along a completely new, long and unknown road.

As a side note, I titled this image “Crossings” not only because it is obviously a picture of a railroad crossing, but because there is also a crossing of electric wires in the top right of the image that somehow relates to the crossing of the road and the railroad. If you know me, you also know that I love this type of geometries and, whenever I can, I use them in my photography.

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