Departing From the Rooftop -9
When time comes, the students feel their way back into the darkness in the stair well for continued classes and lunch, Others wait at the edge of light with to find their friends.
Departing From the Rooftop -9
When time comes, the students feel their way back into the darkness in the stair well for continued classes and lunch, Others wait at the edge of light with to find their friends.
Tadeusz Roguski 23/04/2013 23:34
another kind of photographynikon d5000 23/04/2013 20:25
Auch wenn meine Anmerkung nicht verstanden wird.Glenn, du zeigst uns Orte und Menschen von denen wir ohne dich nie erfahren hätten.
Ich bin tief beeindruckt
Beste Grüsse Rolf
BRYAN CRUTE 23/04/2013 19:15
Dramatic image !Need some time to catch up with your work
Frau Ke 23/04/2013 14:20
narrative and metaphoricallys. sabine krause 23/04/2013 10:05
wow, so powerful, your play with light and darkness, outside and inside! amazing, how a speck of light on the blind boy's eye makes all the difference: he suddenly seems to be looking directly at us! it's the detail that makes the image for me! fascinating work, glenn! greetings, sabine.