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Die keltische See bei Balbriggan nahe Dublin - Irland

Die keltische See bei Balbriggan nahe Dublin - Irland

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Die keltische See bei Balbriggan nahe Dublin - Irland

Balbriggan (Baile Brigín in Irish) is a town in north county Dublin, Ireland. The 2006 census population was 15,559 for Balbriggan and its environs.

According to P.W. Joyce the name arises from "Baile Bhrecan" which literally means "Brecan's Town"). Brecan is a common medieval first name and there are several other Brackenstowns in Ireland. There is also a possible link to the Bracken River. In this case the name could derive from Bhreac-ín (Little Trout). Many locals however have traditionally felt that Baile Brigín means "Town of the Little Hills", due to the relatively low hills that surround the town.

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