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Beatriz G.

Free Account, Gijón

Does Existence End?


“I think, therefore I am”, wrote Rene Descartes nearly 300 years ago. It’s the most basic question: How do we know that we exist? Descartes’ answer is not derived by rational deduction or empirical induction, but assumes existence a priori. He argues that thinkers may doubt the existence of everything else around them but cannot doubt their own existence because something that doesn’t exist cannot be wrong or right. Therefore, even by doubting our own existence, beings that think must exist.

Does anybody know what happens after death definitively? No. None of us do. Only the dead know, and their “lips are sealed”. We will all continue to wonder about what is going to happen when we die for the rest of our lives.

If I say that I am, I should always be, like the God who claims that as his name. No being can claim existence in the past tense: “I was”. My non-existence would make me a liar when claiming that I am. How can existence end? After I’m dead, I imagine myself calling out, “Where are you?” and keenly listening for myself to reply. But then, even if I never again get an answer from myself, and am greeted only with silence echoing throughout the vastness of space and time, who’s the one doing the asking?

Commentaire 1

  • Monika Elisabeth 06/12/2008 11:15

    Be or not to be
    this still seems to be the question....

    But who is it, who asks it?
    What is my-self?

    .....and there will only be the answer of no-answer...

    which simply is beyond...

    beyond everything...

    as your picture shows it - beyond the two white cubes
    there is the unlimted ocean and horizon...

    but if you want to catch the waves
    or trace the sky

    What will you find..........???

    Can you give me a spiece of ocean-wave or heaven-sky...please, give it to me - I want (!) to catch the rainbow....:-)))

    Can you give me a "bit of the "I" (who thinks that I am...) - please I want to hold it in my hands. Want it stable and solid, want to hug it......

    Can you give me a piece of life? Or a piece of death?....
    And of course "I was" never exists....

    So what can we say at the end?

    Here I sit and write these words of no-words, with the sense of no-sense.....and I am breathing - and with the breathing THAT which stays when nothing else stays....which may be called Prana, Qi, Ruach (hebr. Holy Gost)....gives me a glimpse of reality...maybe if I' m ready to catch it....oh, I' m so sorry - it is also gone and past!

    So there will be grace, amazing grace overflowing us- whoever is "me" and - if one' s mind is very open - you can even see Grace which sometimes hides in little sparkling "light-gosts" - or sweet sound coming from some direction ...:-))))

    there will be S M I L E....big :-))))) !!!

    Does Existence Ende?
    No, of course not - because it never began...and what never began, never can end...

    ...as the truth always is beyond....

    So, to cut long stories short: ...it is blowing in the wind.... :-)))

    With a gentle smile I send all my love to you - but what is love????


    P.S. When I first saw this I thought, I had nothing to say - and I just opened the dialog window to drop you a line....astonishing, to read this much stuff now - (this must be the "energized throat center of Mr. Schubert...:-)))) Fine, we got the suspicous...!