Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Dream A Little Dream .........

and it may just come true .... like sharing my passion for photography and making friends and learning from others ...

7 YEARS with Fotocommunity, 2560 pictures posted, 176 buddies, 1060 favourites, 84,934 comments written, 83,579 comments received - mind boggling where the time has gone - and it has been a great time, and I want to thank everybody for their loyalty and appreciation and inspiration !!!
my first aniversary image:

Dream a little Dream ......
Dream a little Dream ......
Adele D. Oliver

this image is now in the voting channel - thank you so much, Archie (archiek) !!!

Commentaire 93


Dossier FC Gallery
Vu de 4 696


APN Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objectif Unknown 6-72mm
Ouverture 5
Temps de pose 1/1600
Focale 12.4 mm
ISO 100


Galerie (Spécial)
20/06/2015 62 Pro / 38 Contra

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