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Duck in the throws of death......

Duck in the throws of death......

2 165 2

Sandy Stein

Free Account, Red Bank

Duck in the throws of death......

Following a vicious attack by these swans, the duck franticly tries to regain an upright position before drawning. He didn't.

Commentaire 2

  • Eamon Lynch 13/09/2005 20:34

    Fabulous Capture Sandy I do a lot of Flyfishing and as such See how vicious nature is.. Kingfishers fighting to the death Grey Heron hanging waiting for young Ducks to come close. The Coot is the only bird that will stand up to Swan and give as good as it gets..


  • Dominic Falcone 13/09/2005 0:55

    strange to think that such beautiful creatures could act so viciously.
    good capture.