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Durian my favourite fruit

Durian my favourite fruit

13 835 5


Premium (World), Bangkok

Durian my favourite fruit

Thailand is known to sell out best durian fruit and i got used to the extraordinarily intense taste of the exotic bread fruit, which westerners like to call stinky fruit. Most contemporaries from the west reject the durian, also called the queen of fruits, because of its intense, unusual smell, without ever having tried it in order to form a judgment.
During my selfi, which I photographed in a Lotus supermarket, I hold a durian of the brand "Mong Thong" in my hand, which translates as the golden pillow.
A single durian fruit from the J-Queen brand went over the counter in a market in Indonesia on Java for 14 million rupias, i.e. for around 818 Euros or 972 US $.

Commentaire 5


Dossier My homeland Thailand
Vu de 13 835


APN iPhone 6
Objectif iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2
Ouverture 2.2
Temps de pose 1/33
Focale 4.2 mm
ISO 64

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