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Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Faded Dreams #12 - 14

By nature there is always something to fix one one's life. Finding the will to heal, get over the obstacle, is a sign of good character. I had given William one hundred dollars to enter a program to become an insurance agent. During the span of the coarse he rose to the top and the most promising. He received his license to sell insurance. William was home free. Shortly after, a set of clothes, his girlfriend of over a decade who delivered five of their children became too obese to get out of bed and sit in a chair at work.

Soon she filed with the court system. She stated that she didn't have enough money to take care of her children. William was giving every dollar he had when he worked and when money came in. The court system went after William as a "Dead Beat Dad" and tried to imprison him.

Fortunately I discovered William kept his entire life history in a suitcase I had him recreate an account'ing of all his income and payments to his family. The outcome wast that they took away his ability to become self supporting. They took his drivers license so he couldn't drive a car and they too away his insurance license so he couldn't work in that industry.

The result was like a double edge sword. The court system saw that he always tries to help even when it left him with out a penny and homeless. William believes if there is a will within him there is away.

The bathroom had a leak in the ceiling right over the crapper. Not even the famous "Thinking Man could have pondered very much in this water closet.

Life's problems can always be seen as a metaphor. There's always something else to screw you over especially when you think you have solution to get back on track.

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