Field Art - Feldkunst
Aerial photograph taken just before landing at Munich airport
Luftaufnahme aufgenommen kurz vor der Landung in München.
Sharpening, tonal correction.
EBV: Schärfe und Tonwertkorrektur.
Same flight/gleicher Flug:
Armin Leitner 14/11/2006 0:24
Wie herrlich - Boden unter den Füssen zu haben....LG - Armin
KasiaDesign 18/10/2006 22:51
@Thanks everyone for your comments and feedback! I'm glad you like this natural carpet, patchwork or puzzle;-)I really was lucky on this flight that the weather, my seat, the angle of landing (usually less interesting) and the subject were just right.
@Geoff, I was surprised too about so many small field strips, but the Lower Bavarian farmers created this artwork not me;-)
@Alena und Reinhold, danke auch hierzu!
Henk Auwema 18/10/2006 14:58
Beautiful captured, pieces of puzzle.Henk
John Bennett 17/10/2006 22:08
Good arial shot of the fields.Well done.Greetings.
Lawson McCulloch 17/10/2006 19:53
Great shapes and colours, to have taken from a planes window's is very difficult. Well wishes, Lawson.
Maguire 17/10/2006 19:19
photographing through a plane's window is never easy and the windows are never clean.. but you have done exceeding well.. lovely patchwork of colours and textures.M
Pascal Viyer 17/10/2006 19:16
Very nice patchwork capture, Kathryn !!Amitié
Abdul Khaliq 17/10/2006 15:20
In thumbnail i thought its presentation of colorful carpets.Wonderful capture
Katarina Juricova 17/10/2006 14:16
a real art, I love it .katarina
Tom McDade 17/10/2006 12:05
Hi KathrynWhat a lovley photo. You were lucky to get such a clear day and nice to see you took full advantage. Brilliant.
Manuel Gloger 17/10/2006 11:06
Die verschiedenen Felder teilen nicht nur den Raum sondern auch Deine Aufnahme gut ein. Enorm, wieviele unterschiedlichen Färbungen aus dieser Sicht zu sehen sind. Wer hätte gedacht, dass es so viele Felder direkt vor den Toren Münchens gibt.LG Manuel
Alexandra Baltog 17/10/2006 10:24 a puzzle!well done!
Véronique Soulier 17/10/2006 8:58
Great puzzle ! Greetings VSGeoff Ashton 17/10/2006 7:22
didn´t realise that there are still so many small fields anywhereyour foto looks allmost like a painting
cheers geoff
Reinhold Bauer 17/10/2006 6:51
bin versucht zu sagen:"typisch deutsch"alles akkurat gerade und ordentlich aufgeräumt..
mir gefällt dein foto jedenfalls, es ist ein unterhaltsames betrachten.
lg reinhold