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Fischer Hafen, Saldanha

Fischer Hafen, Saldanha

3 739 12

Sonja Grünbauer

Premium (Pro), Bad Bramstedt, Schleswig Holstein

Fischer Hafen, Saldanha

Saldanha Bay: Fischerhafen Saldanha Bay , Bucht an der Westküste der Republik Südafrika, nordwestlich von Kapstadt; größter Hafen an der Westküste Afrikas; Fischerei, Fischindustrie; Export von Eisen- und Manganerzen.

Today the transformation of the drab little West Coast Cinderalla came largely known until the construction of the west coast highway was built and then as the Kreef [lobster] route. The Cape rock Lobster [Jasus Ialandii] is abundant along the west coast. Kreef in Afrikaans is a very different crustacean from the crayfish of the Northern Hemisphere. Great demand for export to France and Japan.

Commentaire 12


Dossier Industrie
Vu de 3 739


APN Canon 40d
Objectif 17-85mm
Ouverture 14
Temps de pose 160
Focale 76 mm
ISO 100

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