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For all the Victims...

For all the Victims...

1 328 1

Orly A.

Free Account, Modi'in

For all the Victims...

minimale Bearbeitung, lediglich Kontrast erhöht
kein Bildschnitt

Diese Rose, über dem Eingang zur ersten Gaskammer in Maidanek, errinert an all die Opfer.

Minimal editing, only contrast increased
no cropping

This rose, above the entrance to the first gas chamber in Maidanke, reminds us of all the victims.

Commentaire 1

  • Orly A. 05/08/2006 9:35

    Bisherige Anmerkungen aus dem englischsprachigen Channel:

    Dirk Hofmann, 18.05.2006 at 21:53h
    a good work to remember us on things that hopefully never happen again ...

    but from a photographical point of view there is a lot to improve:

    - reduce flash
    - crop
    - position of the rose

    to name a few