5 780 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Ganden Monastery

The monastery is located at the top of Wangbur Mountain. The buildings are in typical Tibetan style, it is three times as large as Potala Palace and contains now more than 4,000 monks at its peak. The reputation of Ganden Monastery is not smaller than its size. The extremely fabulous view on the top of Ganden Wangpo Hill make Ganden Monastery more attractive to travelers all over the world. In dispute of the cruel ruination before done by the Chinese invasion, the monastery became a new born cultural heritage.

Commentaire 1

  • Georg Mahkorn 23/12/2012 12:21

    tolle Fotos von Ganden Kloster Stadt. Ich war so oft schon in Tibet aber habe es bisher nicht geschaft dort hinzukommen.
    Na ja, wir sind ja noch jung und da wird sich das schon noch ergeben ;-)


Dossier In memoriam Tibet
Vu de 5 780


APN E5000
Objectif ---
Ouverture 7.1
Temps de pose 1/472
Focale 7.1 mm
ISO 100