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Garden Centre - Gärtnerei - Jardinier

Garden Centre - Gärtnerei - Jardinier

2 825 33


Premium (World), München

Garden Centre - Gärtnerei - Jardinier

I took these shots in a local gardening centre.
Poster composed in Ulead Photoimpact 8.

Nikon D70, Sigma 18-70mm / 50mm macro.

Commentaire 33

  • KasiaDesign 05/10/2009 20:59

    @Carlo, grazie!
  • Carlo Brazzorotto 30/09/2009 0:15

    La Tua composizione è molto bella, forse questa ti mancava.
  • Costantinos Milonas 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    Sorry contra.
  • Valfoto 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

  • Daniel Wieser 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

  • Véronique Soulier 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    why not ? pro
  • Darinka Mladenovic 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    Wonderful PRO
  • Rieva Azrul A 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    petros : i'm just ordinary guy..not pro photographer..
    just like robert say, depending on taste..
    i would choose contra rather than pro ...
    so let people take his own opinion...
    i'm sorry if my "duper" its not appropriate for discussion..
    i'l change it.
    but, at least that is my real opinion..
  • KasiaDesign 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    @Petros, thank you - you really made my day! That someone could look a piece of my work and say "this should be in the gallery, the fc showcase for creativity."
    The first time anyone has suggested one of my works in .com.

    @others, re debate is a collage suitable for the gallery.
    There was at least one in the past:

    Irrespective of whether my work meets the criteria to be in the gallery:
    I am disappointed that so many see no problem with sandwiching, layering, DRI, stitched panoramas, etc. but are against artistic combinations of single shots - per se.

    Thanks for all the constructive feedback and kind words about this and my other work.
  • Manuela T. 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

  • Jacky Kobelt 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    ----> p r o
  • Robert Riley 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    14 shots, any one that may be Gallery, depending on taste. Pro.
  • Maguire 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    of all of Kathryn's portfolio (which is increadible) thi si an odd recommendation (IMHO).. the gallery has to be for images that are exceptional in some way.. and while this image has its appeal, don't think it merrits the gallery. Sorry.. contra
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote

    I love Kathryn's work, but this type of image is best for friends and print work. The overall effect is cheerfula and colourful, but many of the images, taken by themselves, are not gallery quality. So I vote - contra contra pro contra contra contra pro contra contra contra contra contra contra pro.
    Sorry, contras win....
  • Igor Flasz 28/09/2006 8:40 Commentaire de vote
