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Goodbye, New Zealand, farewell!

Goodbye, New Zealand, farewell!

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judita isabella

Free Account, Darmstadt

Goodbye, New Zealand, farewell!

One of NZ's surfing hot spots, Raglan is a relaxed, small beachside town on the west coast of the North Island. It was my last but one stop before the flight back home to Germany, hence the melancholy mood.

... und noch mehr Neuseeland:

Am Ende der Welt (1)
Am Ende der Welt (1)
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Mason Bay Sunset (NZ)
Mason Bay Sunset (NZ)
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Morgenstund hat Frost im Mund
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Blue Lake, Neuseeland
Blue Lake, Neuseeland
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Lake Wakatipu, NZ
Lake Wakatipu, NZ
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Mt. Taranaki, NZ
Mt. Taranaki, NZ
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Commentaire 5

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