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Happy Birthday, liebe Insa ;)

Happy Birthday, liebe Insa ;)

3 993 13

Günter Hagedorn

Premium (World), Hamburg

Happy Birthday, liebe Insa ;)

Meiner kleinen Schwester Ini alles Gute zum Birthday ;)
Ich freu mich auf unser überfälliges Wiedersehen!

Commentaire 13

  • frau zobel. 08/04/2008 9:19

    Ohhh jeee. mann o mann... von mir auch alles Gute nachträglich.

    Günter - warum hab ich eigentlich kein Foto bekommen? Ab wann steigt man denn in deine Geburstagsliste auf?
  • Uwe Lindemann 08/04/2008 8:18

    Schließe mich einfach mal stark verspätet an.
  • Ini 07/04/2008 9:12

    WOW. danke euch allen.
    Danke Günni :-)
  • FotoAspekte 06/04/2008 19:59

    Auch von mir alles Gute! :-))
  • Oliver E. 05/04/2008 18:31

    Da schließe ich mich gern an - alles gute zum Geburstag Insa!!!

    LG Olli
  • Michael Schröder MSF 05/04/2008 12:55

    Alles Gute und einen ganz tollen Tag wünsch´ ich dir :-)

    LG Michi
  • Stephan Norff 05/04/2008 11:45

    You know it doesn't make much sense
    There ought to be a law against
    Anyone who takes offense
    At a day in your celebration
    'Cause we all know in our minds
    That there ought to be a time
    That we can set aside
    To show just how much we love you
    And I'm sure you will agree
    It couldn't fit more perfectly
    Than to have a world party on the day you came to be

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday

    I just never understood
    How a man who died for good
    Could not have a day that would
    Be set aside for his recognition
    Because it should never be
    Just because some cannot see
    The dream as clear as he
    That they should make it become an illusion
    And we all know everything
    That he stood for time will bring
    For in peace our hearts will sing
    Thanks to Martin Luther King

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday

    Why has there never been a holiday
    Where peace is celebrated
    all throughout the world

    The time is overdue
    For people like me and you
    You know the way to truth
    Is love and unity to all God's children
    It should be a great event
    And the whole day should be spent
    In full remembrance
    Of those who lived and died for the oneness of
    all people
    So let us all begin
    We know that love can win
    Let it out don't hold it in
    Sing it loud as you can

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday

    (Background Stevie)
    Happy birthday Ooh yeah
    Happy birthday,
    To you

    We know the key to unity of all
    Is in the dream that you had so
    Long ago
    That lives in all of the hearts
    Of people
    That believe in unity
    We'll make the dream become
    A reality
    I know we will
    Because our hearts tell us so

    lyrics by Stevie Wonder
    Grüße by
  • Dirk Schönfeldt 05/04/2008 11:43

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch...:-)
  • |JS| 05/04/2008 11:25

    von mir auch :-)))
  • ruhrfotograf 05/04/2008 10:44

    Ja, auch von mir HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
    Gruß C
  • Andy Pomplun 05/04/2008 1:37

    hey Insi, alles Liebe und Gute auch von mir!

  • F. Heinen 05/04/2008 0:11

    ich gratuliere der insa natürlich auch super gerne hier
  • Tom Lanzrath 05/04/2008 0:09

    ich schliesse mich mal an und wünsche alles liebe zum geburtstag :)

    lG, tom