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Hermitage Bayreuth - Bayern Germany

Hermitage Bayreuth - Bayern Germany

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Leonardus Nyoman

Free Account, Ruteng - Insel Flores

Hermitage Bayreuth - Bayern Germany

Hermitage Bayreuth

In 1715 Margrave Georg Wilhelm built the Old Palace near the residential town of Bayreuth as the central feature of a court hermitage. In 1753, when Margrave Friedrich took over the government of the margraviate, he presented the Hermitage to his wife Wilhelmine.
Fascinated by this unique complex, the margravine immediately began enlarging it, first adding new rooms to the Old Palace including a Music Room, a Japanese Cabinet and the Chinese Mirror Cabinet, in which she wrote her celebrated memoirs. Between 1743 and 1745 various buildings and fountains such as the Ruined Theatre and the Lower Grotto with the hermitage of Margrave Friedrich were produced from designs by Joseph St Pierre. The New Palace and the Upper Grotto were built from 1749 to 1753.

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APN Canon EOS 60D
Objectif Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Ouverture 13
Temps de pose 1/60
Focale 22.0 mm
ISO 100

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