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Hozoviotissa  pride of  Amorgos

Hozoviotissa pride of Amorgos

3 583 3

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Hozoviotissa pride of Amorgos

Aegean Sea
Amorgos island
Hozoviotissa monastery

Amorgos is considered one of the most beautiful greek islands. It belongs to the Cyklades complex and it is historically mentioned since the 3d millenium BC making part in the very early Cykladean civilization. It a rocky island and remains one of the least "turistic" though most authentic of Cyklades greek resorts thus being an ideal paradise for summer holidays when so many other islands litterally sink with visitors.
The symbol and pride of Amorgos, besides to other lovely spots, is the famous monastery of Panaghia Hozoviotissa dedicated to Virgin Mary. It was built in 1017 by the Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus and it is litteraly hanging on a cliff side, 500 m over the sea surface providing a breathtaking view of the sparkling sea waters underneath. According to an old saga it was built as an ode to the grace of Virgin Mary, who is the patron saint of the island and whose icon is carried around the island on the 15th of August each year.
The monastery can be easily reached nowadays by car although many venture to mount on foot.

(Photography ws initially taken with analogue camera-Mamiya 645- using positive 120 slide film 6x4,5 Velvia 50 and then converted to digital with Nikon Coolscan 9000)

Commentaire 3

  • jbd68 02/01/2022 20:03

    Nikons Coolscan isnt bad, but the original picture taken on velvia is probably much better,
    greetings bjoern
    • alexander stefanatos 03/01/2022 8:45

      Yes, dear friend  Bjorn, probably you are right, the original  positive Velvia 50 was far better  as every original  is better  but , in the same time,so difficult to be handled with nowadays!...Insisting in analogue photography presently is pure romanticism, like Don Quichote fighting the windmills... Still I.m doing my best  to combine..
  • ann mari cris aschieri 02/01/2022 13:29

    Step by step this hard climb tests people faith and devotion.
    Nice picture of the heavy side of Greeceland.
    In recent years I have become agnostic, but I continue feeling Greek in my deep inside.
    Buon Anno dear Alexander,  CIAo!  cris