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I finally found you!!!!

I finally found you!!!!

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Jess Pasco

Free Account, London

I finally found you!!!!

To Eddie Maguire, who encourage me to take risks.

At the beginning of this month I had the opportunity to visit an oyster farm in Arvert, Fr. and in our way to the farm we stopped in a gas station for boats. On the button of the walls of the gas station I founded oyster shells embedded in the walls where I could see that little crabs live in there.

They were very little (not bigger than 2 cm) and they had the same colour of the shells in order to hide on self defence. It was difficult for me to approach them because I was ½ meter away from the wall (on the boat and the bout was moving) and I was afraid to drop my camera into the water, because the only way to capture this little crab was using the macro. Finally I took the courage to risk my camera; I lied down on the floor of the boat and had only the opportunity to take 3 shots.

The little crab was hidden in the shells and after all I found it!!! So here it is!!!

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