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Immense life who can not see does not speak does not think...

Immense life who can not see does not speak does not think...

30 367 5

Immense life who can not see does not speak does not think...

Finito, dirà un giorno madre Natura
finito di ridere e di piangere
e sarà ancora la vita immensa
che non vede non parla non pensa.

Nazim Hikmet

Finished, will say a Mother Nature Day
finished laughing and crying
and it will still be immense life
who can not see does not speak does not think.

Nazim Hikmet

Commentaire 5


Vu de 30 367


APN Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Objectif EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Ouverture 9
Temps de pose 1/320
Focale 105.0 mm
ISO 500

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