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indialquadrato - inside Beatrix school

indialquadrato - inside Beatrix school

2 975 3

Giuliano Koren

Free Account, trieste

indialquadrato - inside Beatrix school

Puri,Orissa. Beatrix school
600 bambini fanno a gara per entrare nell’obiettivo: con la divisa linda e perfettamente stirata, scorrazzano scalzi nel cortile, indisciplinati e pieni di energia. Si avvicinano, spiaccicano
qualche parola di inglese e filano via rapidi, di nuovo a giocare. Grazie alla Beatrix School sembrano aver dimenticato di essere figli dei paria, degli intoccabili. Padre Marian ha donato loro una vita nuova, non intaccata dalle presunte colpe di un’esistenza precedente. I figli dei lebbrosi, qui, hanno il diritto di essere felici. E, a quanto pare, ci riescono perfettamente.

Puri,Orissa. Beatrix school
600 children try to fit into a single photo shot: with their spotless uniforms, they run barefoot around the yard, full of energy. They approach us, mutter a few English words and run away once again, back to their games. Thanks to the Beatrix School, it seems they have forgotten they are the sons of the paria, the untouchable. Father Marian has given them a brand new existence, which has remained untouched from the guilt of a previous life. The sons of the lepers, here, have the right to be happy. And, as far as we can see, they are very good at it!

Puri, Orissa. Betrix school
600 Kinder wetteifern, um gefilmt zu werden: mit einer sauberen und gebuegelten Schulbekleidung laufen sie barfuss und voller Energie im Schulhof herum. Sie naehern sich, sprechen einige englische Worte und laufen schnell wieder weg, um zu spielen. Dank der Beatrix School scheint es, dass sie vergessen haben, Kinder der Paria, der „Unberuehrbaren“ zu sein. Pater Marian hat ihnen ein neues Leben geschenkt, unberuehrt von Schuldgefuehlen durch ein Vorleben. Hier haben die Kinder der Leprakranken das Recht gluecklich zu sein. Und es scheint, dass dies wirklich gelingt.

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