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Jumping Spider (Marpissa muscosa, female)

Jumping Spider (Marpissa muscosa, female)

3 545 1

Arnd Sturm

Free Account, Basel

Jumping Spider (Marpissa muscosa, female)

Marpissa muscosa is one of the largest of European jumping spiders. Females reach a body length of about 8 to 11 mm length, males of only 6 to 8 mm. Marpissa muscosa has a furry appearance and is flattened in shape. Only females have a yellow band below the eyes. The species builds a kind of nest under the bark of dead trees.
Jumping spiders get their name from the spectacular leaps they make when pouncing on prey or simply hopping about in the foliage. For this purpose they have excellent, binocular vision. Jumping spiders have four really big forward facing eyes, and another four smaller eyes at the other sides / on the top of the head for a 360 degree view.

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