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Kaveh H. Steppenwolf

Free Account, Not This World


Entweder wird dieses Bild verstanden, oder nicht verstanden. Einen dritten Fall gibt es nicht.

Commentaire 7

  • Niviarsiaq S. 13/11/2010 2:03

    ich liebe deine bilder! das weißt du!

    die aussage ist deutlich und dennoch kann jeder beim betrachten etwas anderes empfinden!

    schwarze löcher finde ich immer noch "doof"! sie schlucken alles ins "nichts"! ich wünsche mir, dass das "nichts" ein paar viele überraschungen für uns bereithält! :-)

    lg nivi
  • Kaveh H. Steppenwolf 09/11/2010 19:47

    Danke all...

    OK, hier einbisschen erklärung...

    I'm stuck into a series of, let me call it "Black Hole" since a year and I can't get loose of it and I won't ever. I'm sure most of you have heard about astronomical black holes. They exist in Physics and in the cosmos as a point with dimension of Zero and Zero has no dimension, also no space and no time, only "The Nothing". But there is another "Black Hole" in minds of philosophers as a philosophical spiritual "Nothing". My effort is to approach these two "Nothings" and to combine both of them to understand their existence better. (How can we talk about existence of something, when we call it nothing is another question)... We don't know what is in a astronomical black hole, but we know its behavior. When the matter comes close enough to a distance from a black hole, called event horizon, it begins falling into the hole with a helicoidal motion in direction of center and the more it nears the center, the more slower will be the motion,the more slower the time and the more smaller the space. And at the center, time and space stand still. Now the other Nothing, namely our mental approach. We can call it death, darkness, meaninglessness of being, inner peace, or even Nirvana, a mental state of human as an intelligent creature, which can't be reached as long as this human is a human, who is alive. Just like the matter, which only theoretically can reach the center, the singularity of the black hole. Now, what am I trying to say? I believe these two themes are the most difficult fields of thinking and the deepest secrets, because you can't experience them as a mortal being. But why talking and thinking about them? There are several ideas and theories about studying black holes, but all of them end in a physical paradox. OK, no details... Physics is the science of exact facts, and there are no rules and facts in a black hole, but outside of it, it is possible to catch some informations if you look close enough. Now back to the philosophy, Nietzsche says: "if you gaze for long into an abyss the abyss gazes also into you". I gaze for long and often into that abyss, but I am most of time disturbed by outer circumstances of real life. So, I try to destroy and filter those disturbances surrounding me by throwing them into the black hole, by changing them to "Nothing", to sit close to the event horizon and waiting that the center talks to me. That's the fundamental principle of this series.

    Now, what does it have to do with this rejected picture? I think, you can guess. It's a symbolization of that what I wrote above. The real world, the environment around, even the sea and ground fall into a hole, the man protecting his head as long as he is outside of the circle walks to the hole, the helicoidal object, which I photographed in a park symbolizes the principle of rotation by entering the event horizon. None of the pictures from this series reveal and show the secret of the inside of the black hole, but they show the preparation, the waiting and the moments short before the end...

    Thank you
  • ausgestorben 08/11/2010 21:42

    Das Schöne ist doch gerade, dass es jeder anders versteht.
  • H - D - S 07/11/2010 23:31

    Mit dem Problem hatte Dali auch zu kämpfen ;-)
    Klasse !
    lg dieter
  • Holger Droste 07/11/2010 22:43

    verlang nicht zuviel von uns , mir gefällt's auch so :o)
  • Charles Brandt 07/11/2010 22:21

    Fotokunst, mit sehr viel Tiefe. Mag ich ab und an sehr.