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Keeping the Old Gal Running

Keeping the Old Gal Running

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Keeping the Old Gal Running

Faces can reveal so much when the people behind them love their work.

This photo, re-discovered this evening, brings back memories of being allowed to explore a car barn, along with my F-C friends Thomas Reitzel and Herbert Schaudt (aka “Sandhofer”), during a visit to Heidelberg in February 2008.

These gents were kind enough to allow us on board some vintage
narrow gauge trams that they maintain in this cavernous facility.

Of course, keeping these old machines in fine fettle involves more than sometimes meets the eye.
Which is why there are maintenance pits between and below the rails. Here a technician can be
seen working below on parts of the old gal that her riders never get to see.

Before long, she’ll be rumbling once again along the rails through Heidelberg’s cobble-
stoned streets, attracting admiring glances from Straßenbahn fans and other nostalgics.

Thank you, gentlemen, for a pleasurable visit!

©2016 Steve Ember

In a Heidelberg Car Barn
In a Heidelberg Car Barn
Steve Ember

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