Kemmler bei Plauen
Blick über Plauen, Neundorf, Reinsdorf, Straßberg,
Thiergarten, Meßbach, Unterlosa
Kemmler bei Plauen
Blick über Plauen, Neundorf, Reinsdorf, Straßberg,
Thiergarten, Meßbach, Unterlosa
Sasha Becher 15/01/2007 11:29
No. Hard enough to equalize all images colors to fittogether. Wouldn't do it twice.
Evgeny Ametist 15/01/2007 9:25
Very beautifully. And in 3D?Tatiana Kirillova 28/09/2006 21:56
Wow! It's a great panorama picture! Magic landscape. I wish to start using this technique one day too.Sasha Becher 18/07/2006 17:25
Hello Kathryn!This is done with PS7. There was little to correct in the perspective but a lot in color correction, as a soft change in the tone hints.
The original file:
KasiaDesign 17/07/2006 21:42
An interesting opening to the fc. Welcome!What tool did you use to stitch the photos together?