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Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria

Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria

1 678 2

Commentaire 2

  • Alisa R 27/08/2010 22:25

    It doesn't feel too much like summer these days in Amsterdam...
    I just wanted to post a picture from my country, and i realized that i don't have that many 'good' photos from there... Right now there it's quite hot and sunny!
    Thank you for the tip, i will try to lit up the dark parts... let's see...
    Good weekend to you,
  • Fons van Swaal 27/08/2010 21:20

    Summer isn't over yet........!
    Nice to see some snow in this time of the year.....
    I would have lit up the dark parts in the image a little ..;-))
    Just my opinion.....
    Greetz and good week-end,