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Les Brumes d'Avalon

Model: Loly (Personal Gallery on Modelshoot )
Photographer and Post Producer: Maurizio Moroni

The image include parts of property of different authors. The copyright of every single part belongs to the respective author.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6PaCFwq_ik (Fairy Nightsongs - Gary Stadler with Stephannie)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb9_G8kOx64 (Fairy Tale - Shaman)

Credo che le fiabe, quelle vecchie e quelle nuove, possano contribuire a educare la mente / Je crois que les contes de fées, les vieilles et le nouvelles puissent contribuer à éduquer l'esprit - Gianni Rodari
Come arrivano lontano i raggi di una piccola candela, così splende una buona azione in un mondo malvagio / Comme les rayons d'une petite chandelle arrivent loin, ainsi une bonne action resplendit dans un monde mauvais - William Shakespeare

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